Saturday, August 5, 2023

How to Find a Responsible Reptile Breeder in 2023: Tips & Questions to Ask


solomons island skink

Breeding reptiles require incredibly high levels of expertise, patience, and knowledge. Reptiles are much different from mammals, needing particular environments and dietary care. Reptiles in captivity are susceptible to illness and other health issues when they aren’t cared for properly.

So, how do you know where to find a reputable breeder with the animal’s best interest at heart? It might take some digging and additional research at options—and you might even have to travel or consider shipping. Let’s take a look at what not to do, what to look for, and what you can ask.


Buying Reptiles from Pet Stores

Rare species reptiles lizard frog in tanks

Many reptile enthusiasts advise against buying reptiles from pet stores. Many of these animals have undergone a very stressful experience before arriving at the store.

Many employees lack the general knowledge to take care of these species, too. They don’t have the keen eye to notice when something is wrong with their health or if they are acting as expected.

Sometimes you can get lucky and find a perfectly healthy reptile with no issues, but is it worth the risk? Only you can decide.

Buying Reptiles from Previous Owners

Trading and selling are super common among reptile enthusiasts. It isn’t uncommon to see ads on social media platforms or buy/sell/trade sites where people want to swap reptiles. Hobbyists often do this for many purposes, and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong with the reptile.

However, sometimes people can use this as a way to swindle you—and that’s just the cold, hard truth. If their reptile has fallen ill, has an eating issue, or otherwise is experiencing a problem, rather than addressing it, many people look to get rid of them to turn a quick profit.

How to Find a Reputable Reptile Breeder

ball python hatching eggs
Image Credit: Aree, Shutterstock

Instead of buying from any other place, searching reputable breeders can land you a quality, healthy reptile you can have for years to come. So, where can you find credible breeders?

Online Sites

There are places where reptile breeders who produce stunning specimens advertise. Sites like Morph Market and Reptile Super Show let you view tons of options, browsing through alphabetically.

Reptile Foundations

You can find extremely valuable information regarding breeders and much-needed alerts on authentic reptile websites. Sometimes, there are expos to attend across the United States where breeders bring their finest specimens for viewing and purchase.

Otherwise, you can use the sites to pick up valuable information about reptiles and how to buy or trade them.

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